Gold Medal Application Summary Cover ImageThe American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA), in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), administer the National Gold Medal Awards for Excellence in Park and Recreation Management. Founded in 1965, the Gold Medal Awards program honors communities in the U.S. that demonstrate excellence in parks and recreation through long-range planning, resource management, volunteerism, environmental stewardship, program development, professional development and agency recognition. Applications are separated into seven classes, with five classes based on population.

The Centerville-Washington Park District is an applicant in Class IV (population 30,001-75,000).

You are invited to view the CWPD 2020 National Gold Medal Award application >

Agencies are judged on their ability to address the needs of those they serve through the collective energies of community members and staff. A panel of five park and recreation professionals reviews and judges all application materials. Judges are chosen for their considerable experience and knowledge in parks and recreation on both the local and national levels.

For more information on the Gold Medal Awards, visit or

In 2018, we were honored to be selected as finalists for the National Gold Medal Award in Class IV.

Watch the CWPD 2018 Gold Medal Video >
